Mark Hamilton details the Twelve Visions Party State Constitution based on the Prime Law.

10 Responses

  1. Thank you Mark Hamilton for reading that profound document as well as creating such powerful stuff for each state; I may live in the state of California, but it holds true for this state, especially since we need the TVP in this state, for those of us, who would, very much like to live on our own, without having more than 2-3 jobs, just to make ends meet (that doesn’t including food, or internet). I do believe we will get there & live in prosperity & honest happiness

  2. The Prime Law should dictate the law makers. How true Mr. Hamilton that is
    the way it should have been from the beginning and we wouldn’t have the
    problems we have now. The political arena is a mess. The candidates acting
    like children. The Prime Law will put everything in perspective. The idea
    of having guaranteed protection is over whelming to me. Pure Love and
    Honesty will reign and everybody will be rich forever.
    Thank You Mr. Mark Hamilton for your incredible vision of a beautiful
    C of U.

  3. The prime law should be aproved by the United Nations for world-wide use, the universal constitution of prime law can govern us to peace and live the life we were meant to live. With no external support, the visionaries are in full force to make this world a better place to live,, UNSTOPABLE.

  4. Affiliation of all the 50 states must be implimented, state by state we will get enough votes to make it happen.

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